
Excuse me, the Loo?

Before teaching English as a second language, my choice of words was different to what it is now. Why? Because 20 years of using textbooks has exposed me to more widely accepted choices at the cost of informal regional ones. ‘Loo’ is an example of one of those words you would not normally find in your course book. In these books this word has been replaced by bathroom, restroom, ladies’ room, and men’s room, for example.


Now I would like to revive ‘going to the loo’ in my own daily use and introduce it to anyone who hasn’t ‘gone to the loo’ before. You are probable thinking, ‘Why would I want to know that word?’ Simple. You will not always be speaking to other English language learners in classroom conditions. Sometimes you will be in cities where English is spoken natively, and someone may ask you where the loo is.


Would you like to know more words or expressions that native speakers prefer to use?


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